All posts tagged: entertainment

A response to a complaint

Today, I posted a ‘June Movie Preview’ on Hypable. It was met with tons of comments complaining that I had said something negative about Pixar’s ‘Brave’. One user called ‘Earthcrosser’ said I’m confused. Under the Madagascar listing, you say “If you choose one animated film this summer – better make it Ice Age 4 or Brave” but then for Brave, you say “Don’t See”. Inconsistency is the downfall of credibility. I responded… Brave looks unoriginal. Madagascar 3 looks positively laughable Then.. That’s still poor writing. Besides, originality has nothing to do with good storytelling. Toy Story 3 wasn’t original, but it was amazing. Let me set this straight: The vast majority of Pixar’s earlier films are INSANELY original. Monster’s Inc- the monsters are your friends. The Incredibles- they’re just another dysfunctional family. Up- old man ties balloons to house and flies to South America with small boy. Even Cars, which I hate, is very original. Brave- a ‘new spin’ on the fairytale. Where have I heard that before? Oh yes, Alice in Wonderland, Mirror Mirror, …