Film Reviews, Movies
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The Ten Highest Grossing Films of All Time: Our Opinions

We’re currently at the height of the Summer movie season, so let’s look at what films are currently atop the All Time Biggest list!

1. Avatar

We thought Avatar was very overrated upon its release, despite the obvious fact that it is an impressively ambitious and large-scale sci-fi adventure. Grade: ★★★

2. Titanic

James Cameron’s former Highest Grossing film is better than his current purely because of its authentic and believable love story. The acting is hammy and the story is quite poor, but Titanic continues to entertain to this day. Grade: ★★★★

3. The Avengers

The Avengers was our Top Film of 2012, and we believed Joss Whedon created something very special with it. While The Dark Knight trilogy made comic-book movies cool and dark, The Avengers proved that light and funny comic-book movies could be really, really good too, balancing the ensemble cast brilliantly and combining action and laughs to make a near-perfect movie. Read our review here. Grade: ☆☆☆☆☆

4. Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows: Part II

This isn’t the best of the Potter series, but is that saying much. The spectacular franchise came to an absolutely thrilling conclusion in 2011 with this amazing work, deservedly in this spot. It should be Number 1 or 2, but as it is here, we should celebrate. Grade: ☆☆

5. Iron Man 3

Not as good as The Avengers, but an entertaining follow-up to that massive success, this saw Tony Stark fly solo once again. Read our review here. Grade: ★★★★

6. Transformers: Dark of the Moon

Michael Bay’s third effort in his god-awful series wasn’t as absolutely disgusting as his second, but still brought all the misogyny and leery violence. Grade: ★

7. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

Not much left to say about this epic masterpiece, although Fellowship is a better film. Grade: ☆☆☆☆☆

8. Skyfall

The No.1 biggest movie ever in the UK, Sam Mendes’ James Bond effort was probably the best of the very long franchise, with great action, acting and a beautiful song! Review. Grade: ★★★★

9. The Dark Knight Rises

The worst of Christopher Nolan’s post-2005 films, but still a spectacular feat of filmmaking. Review. Grade: ☆

10. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest

Not the worst (or best) of the series, this middle effort was entertaining enough to deserve success. Grade: ★

This entry was posted in: Film Reviews, Movies


Lucien writes on film, television and politics at and co-hosts the podcasts Above All Else and The 99%.

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