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Fair City: Review of the Year

Ireland’s most-watched soap has had a great year, with some fantastic plotlines and shocking moments. Here, we look back at the most memorable stories of 2012.

Teenage Love Lie-angle

So, Rachel was going out with Graham, who seemed like a d**k, and then Charlotte comes along and tries to grab him for herself. Vivienne gets all worried about what Charlotte is up to, and the little lier tells Vin that she is pregnant! Vivienne threatens her with a reportage to the Gardaí, whilst Charlotte finds comfort with her lies in Sash. Eventually, they all sorted it out, of course!

Camping, non?

Sean and Dearbhla were madly in love, and ready to head off to Canada together. Then, when they go on a test camping trip, everything goes horribly wrong, and they split up. But, Tommy has already given Sean a lot of money, so they go together and Sean comes back soon after, only to be chased around by Tommy for a few days.

Spot Reneé and Pick Her Up!

Yes! Carrigstown’s devious blond bombshell was back and looking for money from…well, everyone! Bob, Christy…whoever she could bat her eyelids at! Read about the conclusion later on in this piece!


Dermot found a way to develop a closer relationship with Maeve, Ben’s former teacher, by organising salsa lessons at the community centre, but when nobody signed up, he had to persuade Charlie and Esther to come along!

Crossing the border…Collie

Mr Flynn needed some courier work done, as he is currently is jail, so he sent his terrifying buddy Collie to scare the living daylights out of Eddie, Decco and Sash until the work was done.

An Affair to Forget

Within a few weeks, Luke Dillon went from being a moderately charming, intelligent man to a greasy toad, strutting around as he had an, at first, secret affair with his sister-in-law Judith, and later an affair approved of by her husband! Whhhhaaaat?

3rd Place: A Man’s Home is his Cass-tle

Cass is probably the funniest character on Fair City, and when he’s given a good story, it can be hilarious. Back in August, whilst in a disagreement with Keith over a parking spot, he collapsed on the street in front of Phelan’s. After spending a few days in hospital, Niamh invited him to come and live with her and Paul. He completely overstayed his welcome, spending the days sitting around, watching Twilight DVDs with Rachael and eating their food. Every time Paul tried to kick him out, he had a ‘turn for the worse’. A very charming and funny watch, this was probably the most enjoyable story of the year, although not the best written or most original.

2nd Place: Louie and Ingrid’s Affair/ The Wedding Crashers

This was one of the longest stories of the year, with many different levels of plot and dozens of interwoven characters. Here’s a brief synopsis of what happened: Louie’s ex-wife Ingrid lived in the States, but when she split up from her wealthy husband, she brought her and Louie’s kids home to Carrigstown. Meanwhile, Louie was preparing to marry Carol a few months later. Of course, the ex-married couple had a short affair, as you do, and were spotted kissing by Reneé, who needing money, blackmailed them by threatening to tell Carol. She held off for a while, whilst Yvonne helped Louie as he stopped Carol from finding out. On the day of the wedding, as he and Carol said their vows, he admitted his affair. She forgave him, but Ingrid stormed in and shouted about their plan to kidnap Carol’s son, baby Jack. Carol kicked him out of the house, he left with Ingrid and the kids, but only after giving Bob a good beating. Carol was distraught, especially when Louie sent a messenger to evict her from McCoy’s pub. She moved back in with Decco, and Reneé’s former Brasilian life as Mrs De-Suza was revealed to a heartbroken Bob.

1st Place: Psycho Lucy

This was not only the best story of the year, but one of the best I have ever seen on the show. It involved dozens of characters, lasted months and had a heart-poundingly exciting conclusion! So, Lucy became friends with Dolores after claiming that Dolores’ daughter had donated her corneas to Lucy. Lucy and Wayne fell in love and started going out. However, Lucy wasn’t a fan of Dolores and Pete’s relationship, as she knew Pete would get Dolores’ money, which Lucy so desired. Basically, what happened over the next few months involved Lucy pretending Pete had beaten her, Dolores cancelling their engagement, Lucy pretending she was pregnant, then admitting she wasn’t, Pete and Neil breaking into Dolores’ house to look at Lucy’s stuff, Neil having to leave the country, Pete and Laura finding a mysterious picture of Lucy and Harry Molloy, Lucy saying she slept with Harry, Lucy saying she had Harry’s child, Lucy saying Emily abused her in a mental institute, and finally, Lucy cornering Dolores in her house with knitting needles. Boy, that was a great storyline!

Best Couple (Tied): Daeve and Petores

Only twice this year have I cried watching Fair City– when Dermot and Maeve kissed for the first time, and when Pete and Dolores got re-engaged after the Lucy issues. Over the past few months, Dermot and Maeve have had a lot of trouble, especially since Jo returned at Christmas and keeps wrecking their romantic moments. Pete hasn’t appeared on the show in quite a while, but is constantly mentioned by Dolores, so we should expect Enda Oates to return soon and stay until their wedding later in 2013.

This entry was posted in: TV


Lucien writes on film, television and politics at and co-hosts the podcasts Above All Else and The 99%.

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